
Pizza Pinz

Created by Jason Furie

Deluxe pizza-themed enamel pins packaged in a mini pizza box 🍕

Latest Updates from Our Project:

💸 This is how we reach $15K in 30 Hours
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 03:14:10 PM

Alright my pizza-loving friends, it's time to mobilize and reach our final stretch goal together — if we reach $15K in funding, the final Mystery Slice (Synthwave Slice) will unlock and be available to all on the pizza menu.

As of RIGHT NOW we have $1,142 to go until we reach $15K. That's it! My napkin math tells me that's just ~$2.44 more from each of the 468 backers here! THIS CAN HAPPEN 💖


Get a few extra pins as gifts or just because you are a pin collecting monster. Either way, remember that the higher the pledge level you are in means the cheaper each individual pin will be. So more pins = cheaper pins. That's some good math!

Yes, you can do this! If you'd like to add some extra funds to your pledge you can totally do that. Any extra amount you add will convert into BackerKit credit after the campaign is over that you can use to get extra pins via your backer survey.

REMEMBER: you can add $10 for each additional pin you want to order.

GO FOR THE $300 PLEDGE LEVEL! (You know who you are!)
Three [3] of you have reached out to me saying you were considering this pledge tier and you all had some really cool pin design ideas. What are you waiting for, time is almost up! Let's get at least one of these through!


  • Use these below images however you'd like (email, newsletter, social media, whatever!)

And here we gooooo! The final 30 hours should be very, very interesting. I hope you join me in unlocking our last Mystery Slice. I'm putting some finishing touches on the new Synthwave Slice as we speak... It's proven to be a lot harder to design than I expected, but I think it's looking pretty cool!

Keep an eye on this update as the Community Achievement bar above will go up as we get closer to $15K!

Hope the next update is the big Synthwave reveal,
Jason Furie 🍕

🏆 POLL RESULTS: Mystery Slice #4 has been chosen!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 08:26:00 AM

The poll results are in to determine what new pizza design will unlock if we reach $15K in funding! As of the time of this update, we are at $13,698 with just 40 hours to go! We're so close 😅

Since you all are so amazing and supportive, I really wanted to hear from YOU which design I should draw next. And it looks like we have a clear winner:

SYNTHWAVE SLICE will be unlocked if we reach $15K!

And let me just put this out there. I have a lot of respect for you all, but there is a special place in my heart for the 4 of you that voted for Putrid Vomit Slice 🤮 Keep fighting the good fight.

Since we are so close to reaching our $15K Milestone, I'll be posting an update a little later today sharing how we can reach this goal even if no new backers join in the last 40 hours.

Please stay tuned as my next update will be a very important one 😎

Jason Furie 🍕

✅ CAST YOUR VOTE: Choose the Last Mystery Slice!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 10:55:13 PM

Thanks to 384 of you, we've blown past our funding goal, have unlocked 3 out of 4 of the Mystery Slices, and have raised over $11K so far. That's more than 200% funded! That's a lot of pizza! I'm forever grateful that y'all are helping me fulfill a dream of mine — to manufacture deluxe pizza themed enamel pins packaged in mini pizza boxes! What can I say, I dream BIG!

As a thank-you I've decided to let YOU choose the final slice design that will unlock if we reach $15K in funding. Since I wanted to run this poll properly, I've extended the campaign length by a few days to make sure all the votes get counted. I also have a few more fun ways for us all to connect throughout the final week of Pizza Pinz on BackerKit.


  • CAST YOUR VOTE NOW via the button above that says "Go Vote Here"
  • You should totally do this RIGHT NOW, but you have until WEDNESDAY, JULY 6TH AT 11:59 PM PST
  • One vote per person and no editing once your vote is cast! So choose slowly and choose wisely.
  • I will post a new update on THURSDAY, JULY 7th revealing Mystery Slice #4 (The Winner)
  • If we reach $15K in funding, the new slice design will be available as an option to all!

Alrighty then, what are you waiting for? Go vote already. You have until WEDNESDAY, JULY 6TH AT 11:59 PM PST.

Comment which slice you think needs to win here and why.

May the best slice win,
Jason Furie 🍕

Square-Cut Slice Joins the Menu!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 09:47:20 AM

Whoa! We've just unlocked Mystery Slice #3 by reaching $10K in funding which is 200% of goal!

✴️ Introducing the Square-Cut Slice!

This cut goes by many names, has many variations, and has many versions of its true origin story. Sicilian, Detroit-Style, St. Louis, Mid-West Style, Party-Cut, Tavern-Style...the list goes on. Sometimes it's spongy and thick, sometimes it's thin and crisp. But one thing is for sure, some folks just prefer the square-cut over the pie-cut. This new slice most resembles the Sicilian style.

There's one more planned Mystery Slice to unlock! I'll reveal the next design if we reach $15K in funding during this campaign. I'm going to keep this one a true mystery though.

BUT I have a few other surprises up my sleeve that may unlock more since we still have 2 weeks to go!

Is there a specific type of slice that hasn't show up yet that you would be SHOCKED if it didn't make the cut? Let me know in the comments! And thank you all so much for reaching this huge milestone.

Smell ya later,
Jason Furie 🍕

Watermelon Slice Joins the Menu!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 02:20:24 PM

We're barely into week 2 and we've already unlocked our second Mystery Slice.

🍉 Introducing the Watermelon Slice Pizza Pin!

The first Mystery Slice we unlocked last week was a classic favorite, so this time around I wanted to include another specialty Slice. And since the first day of summer is upon us, I thought we could celebrate in style.

There are more Mystery slices to unlock. I'll reveal the next one if we reach $10K in funding during this campaign! I'll give you a clue: This new slice is in great shape 💪

Any guesses? Comment on this update and tell me what you think the next Mystery Slice will be!

And don't forget to back Bird Itabags by Corviforms. If you back BOTH projects, you will get these 2 pins added to your orders for FREE 🦆🍕

Jason Furie ✌️