
Pizza Pinz

Created by Jason Furie

Deluxe pizza-themed enamel pins packaged in a mini pizza box 🍕

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🔐 48 Hour Notice: Locking Your Shipping Address
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 10:40:00 PM

Hey pizza lovers!

I have a MEGA update coming soon with pics as all the pins have arrived and look glorious, all the mini pizza boxes are in hand and folded, all the greasy lil' backer cards look fantastic, and all my packaging materials are arriving in a few days. I'm about ready to start shipping these lil' pizza slices out!

BUT first I wanted an update to highlight the important fact that you now have 48 HOURS to edit your shipping address!

You should have received a separate email from BackerKit letting you know. Here are a few key details to be aware of:

  • You have 48 Hours to edit your address on file (the one I collected in your backer survey)
  • After 48 hours all orders are locked and I can begin printing shipping labels.
  • If you do not need to update your shipping address, you do not need to take any further actions. You're all set!
  • You are a cool person.

So that's it. Assuming nothing goes wrong, your Pizza Pinz will be shipping out between late November and early December. Just in time to stuff some stockings if you're into that kinda thing.

Stay tuned for a more robust update with pics! And I have to let you all know the wonderful madness that is folding 1500 mini pizza boxes!

Ok ok, how rude. I can't post an update without at least a little sneak peek. I just took this in my kitchen with crappy light. It's the most-ordered slice — Haunted Slice 🎃

Jason 🍕

✨ Sneak Peek: The Pizza Pinz (And they are on the way!)
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 11:29:36 PM

Hey friends! Hope you're all having a great week so far. I just came back form Essen Germany where I was attending Essen Spiel—the largest tabletop games convention in the world. For those of you that don't know, I also design tabletop games. Here's just a few if you're interested: Rental Rumble (Available Now), Realm Runners (Coming Soon), and Shape Shape (Coming Soon).

Enough about games, let's talk about pizza! Great news: all designs are finalized, they are officially well into production, AND they will be arriving at my doorstep in about a week and a half. Woo-hoo. We are right on schedule and it looks like I'll be getting these slices out the door in early to mid November as projected. It's rare these things are ever on time, but things have been going super smooth.

There was only one design error that has already been corrected. The Pixel Pie slice was missing some crusty bits. Here's a look at the finished slices and the corrected Pixel Pie slice.

They are going to be slightly larger than pins I've designed in the past. To ensure they don't slide around on your jacket or backpack I've made all the 1.5" designs double clasped for extra support.

Everyone has been charged and all your info is locked in. I still have around 20 people who need to fill out their survey. If you get it completed before I start shipping you may make the cut. Otherwise you will have to wait until after all the completed orders are fulfilled.

What do you think of the pin designs!? Let me know in the comments!

Jason 🍕

💌 Surveys locking TOMORROW (9/21) at 8 PM PST!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 03:32:29 PM

Things are rolling along smoothy—88% of you have completed you BackerKit survey. Great job!

BUT there are still a few stragglers out there that need to complete their survey to ensure they get their Pizza Pinz on time.

There are 58 of you that have not completed your survey!
PLEASE fill out your BackerKit survey right now if you haven't yet as your survey choices will be locked in TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 21st at around 8 PM PST! 

Here are your important dates:

  • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st — BackerKit Survey choices are locked meaning you can no longer adjust your orders. I need this info to send final counts to my manufacturer. Your address will still be editable if things change.
  • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd — Credit cards will be charged for all orders with completed BackerKit surveys.
  • NOVEMBER 2022 — We are still on track for shipping out Pizza Pinz in November 2022. Woo-hoo! All pending manufacturing production schedules of course.

A few things to consider:

  • If your survey is not completed, your order will NOT be cancelled, BUT you will not be included in the first wave of shipping and your Pizza Pinz will be mailed at a later date. To avoid this, fill out your BackerKit survey now please.
  • Order your extra Pizza Pinz via your BackerKit survey as they are likely as cheap as they will ever be at just $10 USD each. MSRP for each Pizza Pinz pin complete in mini pizza box is $15 USD.
  • After orders are locked and cards are charged, you can still edit your shipping address. I will post an update when I am ready to lock shipping addresses.

Ok, I'm giving you all one full extra day to complete your BackerKit surveys so PLEASE have it done by TOMORROW Wednesday, September 21st by 8 PM PST!

Jason 🍕

💌 All Backer Surveys Are Sent!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 11:22:30 PM

Great news—by this time EVERYONE should have received their BackerKit backer survey via email. I can tell all is going smooth as 72% of you have already completed your surveys! Great job!

If you haven't seen it yet, please check SPAM folders and ensure you are looking in the inbox of the email you made your BackerKit account with tied to your pledge! Please fill this out ASAP so we can get these pizzas in the oven!

In your backer survey, you'll be able to do the following:

  1. Choose the style of pin(s) you want based on the pledge level you chose during the campaign (Example: If your pledge level was "TWO [2] pins of your choice" you will first select the TWO [2] pins you want.)
  2. Select additional pins you want to add to your order (optional). As a special thank-you to backers, you can select additional pins to add to your order for a discounted rate of $10 each. No limit!
  3. Confirm your shipping address. You can always update your information any time before we finalize your address. You will get a reminder to confirm your address before we ship!
  4. Add your payment info for shipping and add-ons. You WILL NOT be charged immediately. You will have a few weeks to adjust your orders. I have tentatively planned to charge cards around September 22nd. I'll post an update with a heads up.
  5. Review and place your order. Remember, you can still edit your address and order until I lock it down. I will send an update before I do either with a few days heads up.

Remember, your credit card are NOT being charged just yet, I'll do that soon. Here's the tentative plan:

  • NOW - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th Fill out your BackerKit Survey (You can edit if needed during this time)
  • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th — Orders are locked (You can no longer edit your orders)
  • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd — Planning to charge all cards
  • PRODUCTION — Once orders are in and cards are all charged, I will commence production on the pins!
  • SHIPPING — If all goes as planned, hoping to get Pizza Pinz out the door in November 2022 pending manufacturing production schedule. 

As always, I'll keep on updating everyone as we move along! And soon I'll be able to reveal the winner of our Pineapple on Pizza vote AND I plan to share a breakdown of what pins were ordered the most! It's been really fun watching these orders roll in and see what slices y'all are picking.

A few designs are REALLY POPULAR! Can you guess which two are gettin ordered the most so far?

CLICK INTO to the update if you're reading this via email and let me know in the comments!

Jason 🍕

💌 Surveys Are Coming (Please Read)
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 07:11:01 PM

Hey friends, the moment you've all been waiting for has arrived—BackerKit surveys are coming for Pizza Pinz 🍕

Here's when you can expect to get your BackerKit survey and start choosing your Pizza Pinz pizza styles:
  • 5% of you will get the survey at some point between TONIGHT (Tuesday, September 6th) and TOMORROW (Wednesday, September 7th). I'm sending out this small batch to ensure everything works smoothly.
  • Assuming all goes well, the rest of you can expect your survey between Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Be sure to check the email address you use to sign into BackerKit and the one you made your pledge with. Once you get it, you can expect to provide the following:

  1. Choose the style of pin(s) you want based on the pledge level you chose during the campaign (Example: If your pledge level was "TWO [2] pins of your choice" you will first select the TWO [2] pins you want.)
  2. Select additional pins you want to add to your order (optional). As a special thank-you to backers, you can select additional pins to add to your order for a discounted rate of $10 each. No limit!
  3. Confirm your shipping address. You can always update your information any time before we finalize your address. You will get a reminder to confirm your address before we ship!
  4. Add your payment info for shipping and add-ons. You WILL NOT be charged immediately. You will have a few weeks to adjust your orders. I have tentatively planned to charge cards around September 22nd. I'll post an update with a heads up.
  5. Review and place your order. Remember, you can still edit your address and order until I lock it down. I will send an update before I do either with a few days heads up.

It's VERY IMPORTANT for everyone to completely fill out the survey right when you get it as I will use the information within to decide my final pin orders with my manufacturer. The sooner you fill out the survey, the sooner I get to manufacturing the pins!

Also note that not all pins will come in the mimi pizza box. Here is a handy guide to help you, this image is also on the main campaign page:


  • As a backer (at any level!), you will all automatically get ONE [1] "Pizza Saver" enamel pin added automatically to your order/cart for FREE. If you would like additional "Pizza Saver" pins, you can add them as your pledge choice(s) or as add-ons.
  • If you backed BOTH Pizza Pinz (Jason Furie) AND Bird Ita Bags (Corviforms), you will automatically get ONE [1] "Pigeon Party" enamel pin added to your order/cart for FREE. If you missed out, or if you would like additional "Pigeon Party" pins, you can add them as your pledge choice(s) or as add-ons. Party on!
  • Your free "Pigeon #1" pin from Bird Ita Bags (Corviforms) will come in your order from them, not your Pizza Pinz order.


Your survey will reveal what your shipping costs are based on your region and your order weight. I spent a good portion of Saturday at USPS figuring out the best packaging and rates AND spent the rest of the weekend comparing notes with my fellow pin-makers. A lot of factors are at play here including the state of the world and it's affect on shipping, physical shipping costs, packaging costs, and handling time. Here are the final rates:

  • USA - $6
  • CANADA - $15

The simple fact is that these costs are out of my control and the world of shipping right now is complete mayhem. I hope you all trust I am doing the best I can. The good news is my estimates were really close with the exception of Canada—those prices have almost doubled. Since there are pins in this order I cannot consider these "Flats" and all packaged must be charged as "Parcel". If this will pose an issue with you, please reach out to me at [email protected]. I'm happy to chat about it, but again, these prices are out of my control and I will even take a hit on some regions.

YES, the prices are pretty consistent when you order 1-25 pins. So if you fall in that bracket, the shipping costs will remain the same. This is one of the reasons why I decided to offer ALL add-on pins for just $10.


And don't forget! Our official "Should pineapple be on pizza?" vote starts NOW! If you think it should add a "YES - PINEAPPLE" pin to your order, if not add a "NO - PINEAPPLE" pin to your order. Each pin bought counts as 1 vote! If you buy both the data will be ruined! Just kidding, it'll be a neutral vote for each! We're going to settle this nonsense once and for all!

Phew! That was a way bigger update than I expected! That's the name of the game when there is this much movin' and shakin' going on. I'm so very excited to be one step closer to getting these little pizza pins in your hands.

Sound off in the comments with this prompt:

"If you could ONLY have ONE Pizza Pinz pin, which would it be?"

Small ya later,
Jason 🍕