
Pizza Pinz

Created by Jason Furie

Deluxe pizza-themed enamel pins packaged in a mini pizza box 🍕

Latest Updates from Our Project:

10 months ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 05:40:35 PM

Hey Pizza lovers ❤️

I'm thinking about cooking up some new pizza slices for y'all and wanted to gauge some interest. Would you mind voting in the poll down below to let me know if you want another round of Pizza Pinz. New slices packaged in mini greasy pizza boxes 📦

I also noticed I have a few outstanding Pizza Pinz pre-orders to go out. I'll get on those right away.

I also wanted to let everyone know my newest enamel pin crowdfunding project FANTASY has ONLY 1 WEEK LEFT!

FANTASY — a collection of enamel pins celebrating some of my favorite fantasy genre odds 'n ends.

If you pledge to FANTASY, you can add-on all my Pizza Pinz designs if you wanted some more 🍕

Jason Furie ✌️

🍍 RESULTS: Should Pineapple be on pizza?
about 2 years ago – Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 09:05:40 PM

The VERY FIRST UPDATE on the Pizza Pinz campaign asked a simple yet age-old question: Should pineapple be on pizza?

I wanted to settle this debate once and for all. A poll would not suffice. Telling me what you prefer wasn't good enough. Yelling at me sure wouldn't work. What we needed were REAL results with REAL stakes! And nothing speaks louder than the almighty dollar 🤑

So let me refresh your memory on how I decided to end this debate: I made a pineapple lover enamel pin and a pineapple hater enamel pin. Whichever pin got ordered the most would settle the debate🍍🚫 Out of nearly 500 backers, exactly 100 of you voted with your wallets. And since exactly 100 of you voted, doing the math was easy. Thank you.

Feast your eyes on the results 👁👁

So there you have it folks, the age-old debate is officially, overwhelmingly, absolutely over! Pineapple DOES belong on pizza and now we have the proof 🍍🍕 Thank you to all who voted and be sure to rock those Pineapple lover pins whenever possible. And to the 16 dark souls who said NO, I'm watching you. Watching you closely.

Thanks again, and if you're reading this before February 7th at 1 PM PST, there's still time to back my next enamel pin project — Movie Moths 🎬 At the time of me writing this, there are ONLY 16 HOURS LEFT so be sure to CLICK HERE and support ❤️

I have a few cool campaigns up my sleeve for 2023, so be sure to stay connected and stay tuned!

Jason Furie 🍕

✨ Next Project Sneak Peek — Movie Moths
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 03:08:07 PM

Hey friends! Hope you are enjoying your Pizza Pinz! 

I wanted to give you all a personal sneak peak of a brand new movie-themed enamel pin project I've been working on that's launching soon on TUESDAY, JANUARY 17th right here on BackerKit!

Movie Moths— a new pin collection inspired by famous moths in movies! Inspirations from The Silence of the Lambs (1991), The Mothman Prophecies (2002), and Godzilla vs Mothra (1964). Sign up now to learn more and to be notified when I launch!


BUT WAIT! My wife Katie Bacigalupi is launching a crowdfunding project on the exact same day! It's her very first crowdfunding project and I think you should help show her some ❤️

History of Floral Fads —deluxe enamel pins based on floral fads through time including Renaissance, Baroque, and Victorian.

Both of these new crowdfunding projects are a part of Pintopia a series of small scale enamel pin projects from a diverse group of creators collectively launching on Crowdfunding by BackerKit!

I've spent the last month organizing, educating, and collaborating with a small cohort of artists and pin designers to launch 20+ enamel pin projects ALL AT ONCE! It's a little wild, it's a little risky, but it's 100% something you all should keep your eyes on. The lineup of artists and pins is just epic.

If you wanna follow along and see who else is participating, be sure to visit the main PINTOPIA PAGE and see what else is on offer. But sign up for Movie Moths and History of Floral Fads first of course 😜

See you all on Tuesday, January 17th at 10 AM PST for the launch of Pintopia!

🍕 Jason Furie

📦 Pizza Pinz are 100% Shipped!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 12:08:12 AM

Hey all! Just wanted to check in and let you know that 100% of the Pizza Pinz orders are shipped, and hopefully in your hands now. Phew! That was a whole lotta pizza-themed work but everything got designed, manufactured, and shipped pretty much all according to plan. Feels good to get these pinz out into the world. I hope you enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed making them.

There may be a few international orders working their way to you, so if you are not USA based, hold tight as they are on their way. And a couple folks messaged me mentioning a pin missing or mismatched. Those orders will be (re) shipping on Saturday 💌

To commemorate this moment, here is a pic of me on my way to the local USPS shipping out the last Pizza Pinz bag.

Otherwise, it looks like we are good to go and dream about the potential of Pizza Pinz 2 😎

🍕 Jason

📦 [MEGA UPDATE] Pizza Pinz are Shipping!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 12:15:17 AM

Wow what a ride! These past few weeks have been a pizza-lovin' blur 🍕 I've been receiving the pizza pinz from the manufacturer, folding the mini pizza boxes, pinning the pins to greasy little backer cards, placing the pins in the mini pizza boxes, and then putting the little boxes in slightly larger shipping boxes, and then in big bags, and then dropping them off at the post office. Cool!

Let me clarify one thing I think you ALL need to know. I had to fold 1500+ mini pizza boxes by hand! And silly old me thought I could do it all by myself. No, no, no. I needed some help, and thank the pizza gods for the BackerKit team! I asked and they SHOWED up folding nearly 1000 mini pizza boxes at our San Francisco office! I owe them what the Wookie's call a "Life Debt". Take a look for yourself, it was epic. And yes, we ordered pizza afterwards. And ate it too!

As for the remaining 500+ pizza boxes that needed folding? Well, my partner and I set up shop in our bedroom and watched an unhealthy amount of The Great British Bake Off until the job got done. I thought I'd spare you any pictures of that as I'm sure it was a grizzly scene. So instead I will leave you with a pic of the hosts and judges. Seriously folks, this is a really sweet show. I highly recommend it. Where American cooking shows are full of blood, sweat, and tears...the British bring joy, laughter, and happiness. Refreshing!

Ok so you are probably wondering why I am talking about The Great British Bake Off instead of showing you the damn pies! Ok, ok, here we go. Let's take a look at the featured pins right before they were packaged and shipped off!

So these pics were taken rather crudely, but let me assure you THESE PIZZA PINZ RULE 🍕 The pins turned out excellent, and the mini pizza boxes were a HUGE challenge, but I got them just how I wanted them. And the cherry on top is the greasy lil' backer cards to make this pure pizza perfection! I truly LOVE these pins and hope you do too. It's been a passion project I've wanted to accomplish for years and it finally happened. And it's all thanks to YOU reading this. What I'm trying to say is I'm going to pass out those Wookie Life-Debts all willy-nilly and give each of you one as well ✨

And for anyone curious what it look like to haul big bags. Here ya go!

As of the time of this writing I have shipped about 50% of the Pizza Pinz! I have to take a small break because I'm heading to PAX Unplugged (Board Game Con in Philly!) with the BackerKit team to hang out with the tabletop games community. I'll be gone starting tomorrow (in like 8 hours actually!) and will be returning on Monday. Once I'm back the reminder of the pins will be shipped off within the week. So I'm happy to report we are right on schedule and all the pins will be delivering before the holidays!

And one last thing. There was a point in time where I had 1500 mini pizza boxes laying around. I'd be a fool not to take the photo opportunity.

Jason ❤️